
Current Projects

Volcano Dreaming

Volcano Dreaming is a photographic montage constructed of more than 3000 photographs taken during more than 100 field trips and describes the fragile biodiversity of the Victorian Volcanic Plains.
It has own web site which can be found here.

Inherit Earth was funded by the EPA program Inspiring Environmental Solutions to design and produce Volcano Dreaming.The project was auspiced by the Iramoo Sustainable Community Centre of Victoria University which commissioned Inherit Earth to produce two copies of a portable twelve metre exhibition of the grasslands about the critically endangered remnant species of the Victoria Volcanic Plains west of Melbourne.

Inherit Earths projects associated with Volcano Dreaming are on-going, we worked in conjunction with Hamilton Field Nats and IFFA to facilitate a tour of the exhibition throughout Western Victoria throughout 2011.

In 2011 -12 gave talks about the project accompanying the display to Friends of Iramoo AGM, Victoria University, at the Victorian National Parks Association AGM, IFFAs 25th Anniversary event, to the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Landcare Conference at the MCG and during the Golden Plains Shire Art Trail at Rokewood Hall.

We are currently developing new formats of the exhibition to suit the needs of a variety of groups and organisations for use in conjunction with education programs, events, meetings, workshops and seminars.

If you would like to find out more please contact us...

Friends of Buckley Park

The Directors of Inherit Earth are on the executive committee of Friends of Buckley Park a group they helped to form with the encouragement of Warren Chapman and Bev Woods from Barwon Coast in 1998 to protect and enhance Buckley Park the system of dunes that lies between Point Lonsdale and Ocean Grove.

Projects since 1998 include working with Bellarine Peninsula coastal management groups to secure funding and manage a variety of projects including a botanical study, aboriginal archaeological study, geological study, dune restoration project and a pilot project to eliminate Bridal Creeper through the introduction of Rust Fungus.

During 2011-12 Friend of Buckley Park have engaged the Bellarine Catchment Network to carry out works as a Caring for Country assisted project including liasing with the land owners of properties adjoining the Park to develop managment plans and to enhance protect areas of remnant flora and fauna species with a focus re-connecting isolated pockets of habitat and protecting a significant Moonah woodland located within the Park.

Melbourne's Living Museum of the West

Inherit Earth director Peter Haffenden is a heritage consultant to the Museum providing talks and tours to groups and organisations.

Backyard Honey and DPI Varroa Mite Monitoring

Peter has been keeping urban beehives for four years, supplying local honey to several outlets and is working with the Department of Primary Industry in monitoring the deadly pests that threaten the honey industry which are likely to enter the country through the ports. Footscray is a functioning port.

more about varroa mite monitoring here

Cairnlea Heritage Trail

Inherit Earth was approached by Friends of the Black Powder Mill to help with a brochure to show the history of a large site in the City of Brimbank that is now a housing estate called Cairnlea.

Quang Minh Temple Projects

Inherit Earth has been engaged by the Quang Minh Buddhist Temple in Braybrook to participate in a program of sustainability at the Temple connecting the waste products of its generous community services and a plan to develop a working garden on the barren soils of post industrial Braybrook.

Urban Honey Co.

Local Footscray resident, Lyndon Fenlon, has a vision that people should be able to source the healthy golden food, honey, from within three kilometres of where they live.






who we are


Previous projects

A brief description of previous projects and web links can be found here.

See also examples of previous projects at the Living Museum's website

mt elephant

This image is a detail from the 12 metre photographic montage exhibition
Volcano Dreaming produced by Inherit earth and it shows
the volcanic cone of Mt Elephantjust one of more than 400 volcanic cones
of the Victorian Volcanic Plains.

There is less than 1% remaining of the original grassland species
of the Plains which is currently under threat.


eastern barred bandicoot


The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is one of Victoria's most endangered
mammals and was formerly widespread throughout the grasslands
and grassy woodlands of western Victoria, but is now
virtually extinct in the wild.

This young female bandicoot was photographed
at Werribee Zoo in 2009 and features
in the exhibition Volcano Dreaming


rail reserve

There is less than 1% remaining of the Victorian Volcanic Plains
grassland vegetation and some of the most significant
remnant sites lie next to railway tracks or in cemetaries
and within roadside reserves.


Remnant species at Rokewood November 2011

Copyright Inherit Earth © October 2012
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